United Negotiations Update

13 April 2023

United Negotiations Update

Dear Sisters and Brothers,

On March 29, we informed you that we reached an Agreement in Principle (AIP) with United Airlines on seven contracts covering over 29,000 lAM members at United Airlines. We’re happy to inform you that we have transitioned the AIP into a Tentative Agreement (TA) for you to review and vote on.

All changes to the current agreements can be viewed on our website, iam141.org. It is important to note that only changes will appear on the website. If it is not on the website, then the contractual language remains the same as it does today.

All AM-United grievance committees attended an informational session this week, followed by questions and answers in ORD. IAM District Lodge 141 Officers will also visit each location to explain the tentative agreements and answer questions. Please check the website for what day they will be in your station.

Voting will be conducted electronically by Ballot Point Election Services. You will be sent voting instructions with a Personal Identification Number to the address you have on file with the company. The voting period will commence at 00:01 EDT on April 24, 2023, and last through 18:00 EDT on May 1, 2023.

Please call (888) 608-1411 with questions about voting instructions and electronic voting. Feel free to get in touch with your respective Assistant General Chairperson with questions about specific contract language.

In Solidarity,

Your Negotiating Committee

Olu Ajetomobi

Joe Bartz

Victor Hernandez

Barb Martin

Andrea’ Myers

Terry Stansbury

Faysal Silwany

Erik Stenberg

Sue Weisner

Michael G Klemm

President and Directing General Chair,

District 141, International Association of

 Machinists and Aerospace Workers

Updated: April 13, 2023 — 4:02 pm