United Contract Negotiations Update

United Contract Negotiations Update

The IAM District 141 Negotiations Committee and United Airlines’ negotiators met this week in Chicago as planned. Your negotiations committee passed to United a proposal that would satisfy IAM members’ priorities as outlined at the beginning of this expedited process last year.

We revised our base wage proposals based on recent developments in our industry in like work classifications. IAM members at United Airlines deserve industry-best wage rates, and we are committed to achieving that.

The parties remain far apart on the critical issue of job security. As we have said from the start, we will not come to any agreement with United Airlines that does not significantly strengthen our work scope protections, our no-layoff protections, and our protection of full-time work. I will reiterate ONCE AGAIN that these scope and job security elements are necessary to reach an agreement.

I also want every IAM member at United to know that our scope and job security proposals exist in other IAM agreements in the airline industry. Our proposals are reasonable and justified in every way possible. Most importantly, IAM members have spoken loud and clear that achieving real job security is our top priority. Unfortunately, United management currently believes IAM-United employees don’t deserve that type of job protection. That’s unacceptable.

United negotiators will review our latest proposal. IAM District 141 and United management plan to meet next on March 8, 2023. We will report back to the membership immediately after this next meeting.

In Solidarity,

Your Negotiating Committee
Olu Ajetomobi
Joe Bartz
Victor Hernandez
Barb Martin
Andrea’ Myers
Terry Stansbury
Faysal Silwany
Erik Stenberg
Sue Weisner

Michael G Klemm
President and Directing General Chair, 
District 141,
International Association of Machinists & Aerospace Workers

Updated: February 23, 2023 — 11:09 am