The Monthly Business Meeting will be held on Tuesday 02/06/2024 at our Local Lodge at 4PM. Please arrive early so that we can begin the meeting on time.

Greetings Sisters and Brothers,

I hope you are all doing well. The Monthly Business Meeting will be held on Tuesday

02/06/2024 at our Local Lodge at 4PM. Please arrive early so that we can begin the meeting on time.


  • Attention! The March Business Meeting will be moved from Tuesday March 05, 2024, to Wednesday March 06, 2024, due to the California Primary.
  • Please remember to vote in person or by absentee ballot for The California Primary on Tuesday 03/05/2024. Please encourage your family and friends to vote as well. Your vote counts and it can make a difference.
  • Approval to donate $200 to the IAM Scholarship Fund.
  • Approval to purchase an ad for $500 for the Robert Martinez Jr. retirement book.
  • Approval to send Luis Deleon to Basic Web Development class from 02/24/24 through 03/01/204 at W-3. Cost to include lost time and $40 per diem at start of trip and $40 on the return trip.
  • Approval to conduct a local lodge audit. The cost includes 2 days of lost time for the S.T,
  • 2 auditors, 3 trustees and $400 for food and refreshments. Date- TBD
  • Approval for Pres. Deryl Gaylord and S.T Ashanta Marzett to prepare for Tax Day. Cost includes 1 day of lost time and $100 for food and refreshments. Date-TBD.
  • Local 1932 Community Service is asking our members to please make a contribution of new or gently used Jackets, Sweatshirts, Blankets and socks (must be new) to St.
    Margaret’s Center. All donations are for people experiencing homelessness.

In Solidarity,
Joe Martinez
Recording Secretary
Local Lodge 1932

Updated: February 4, 2024 — 8:40 pm