The May Business Meeting will be held on
Tuesday 05/02/2023 at our Local Lodge at 4PM. Please arrive early so that we can begin the meeting
on time.

Greetings Sisters and Brothers,
I hope you are all doing well and staying safe. The May Business Meeting will be held on
Tuesday 05/02/2023 at our Local Lodge at 4PM. Please arrive early so that we can begin the meeting
on time.
• The Business Meeting scheduled for 07/04/2023 has been moved to 07/05/2023 at
4pm. Please update this information in your July 2023 calendar.
• The first reading for the new bylaw proposals will be held during the Business Meeting
on 05/02/2023. The second reading with a vote will be held at local 4pm on 06/06/2023.
• Approval to spend up to 5K for an appreciation picnic for our members this summer.TBD
• Approval to spend up to $300 for snacks and refreshments for DL 19 silent sessions to
be held on May 18 and 19,2023 9am to 11am and 2pm to 4pm each day.
• Approval to send Ron Robinson, Kim Schindler and Christina Robles to the EAP
Conference from 07/16-20/2023. Cost includes $132.65 hotel cost per night, per diem,
lost time, $350 registration fees, transportation from airport/ hotel/ airport.
• Approval to send up to 5 representatives from the legislative committee to the
Legislative Conference from 06/18-21/2023. Cost includes $292 plus tax per night for
hotel costs accommodations, lost time, per diem and transportation from airport/
hotel/ airport.
• Approval to send Rene Burgess, Joe Martinez, Mario Osorio, Barbara Gafford and
Mendez Landers to the IAM Unity and Growth Conference from 08/20-24/2023. Cost
includes hotel cost of $296 per night plus tax, lost time, per diem, $100 registration fee.
Transportation from airport/train station / hotel/ airport/ train station. AlternatesMarie Yadao, Marcitza Flores and Ashanta Marzett.

In Solidarity,
Joe Martinez
Joe Martinez
Recording Secretary
Local Lodge 1932

Updated: April 24, 2023 — 11:56 am