The March Business Meeting will be held on
Tuesday 03/07/2023 at our Local Lodge at 4PM. Please arrive early so that we can begin the meeting
on time.

Greetings Sisters and Brothers,
I hope you are all doing well and staying safe. The March Business Meeting will be held on
Tuesday 03/07/2023 at our Local Lodge at 4PM. Please arrive early so that we can begin the meeting
on time.
• All new bylaws proposals must be submitted by April 15,2023. No Exceptions.
• The April Business Meeting scheduled for 04/04/2023 has been moved to 04/11/2023
at 4PM. Please update this information in your April 2023 calendar.
• DL 142 2023 Scholarship Competition is now open. Information can be obtained by
going to Additional information at 03/07/2023 meeting.
• A new shop steward training class for DL 141 members will take place on April 25, 2023.
Additional information will be provided at the 03/07/2023 business meeting.
• Approval for Ashanta Marzett and Deryl Gaylord to prepare for Tax Day. Cost includes 1
day of lost time for each and $75 for food and beverages. Date TBD.
• Approval for an audit for the years of 2021 and 2022. Costs include 3 days of lost time
for the S.T, 2 auditors, 3 trustees and $400 for food and Beverages. Date TBD.
• Approval to send the Legislative Committee to the spring Cal Conference of Machinists
from May 08 through May 10, 2023. Cost includes hotel accommodations for $249 per
night + plus tax, lost time, per diem, registration fee of $60 and transportation cost from
airport to hotel back to airport.
• Approval to send Tristian Morris to DL142 Flight Safety Conference from 05/29/2023 to
06/02/2023 at W-3. Cost to include lost time and $20 per diem going to W-3 and $20 on
the return trip.
In Solidarity,
Joe Martinez

Joe Martinez
Recording Secretary
Local Lodge 1932

Updated: February 27, 2023 — 10:12 am