The Monthly Business Meeting will be held on Tuesday 11/07/2023 at our Local Lodge at 4PM. Please arrive early so that we can begin the meeting on time.

Greetings Sisters and Brothers,

I hope you are all doing well. The Monthly Business Meeting will be held on Tuesday
11/07/2023 at our Local Lodge at 4PM. Please arrive early so that we can begin the meeting on time.

• Approval to spend up to $2K for 250 pocket calendars.
• Approval to donate $200 to St. Margaret Center for their Christmas program on
December 16, 2023. I will soon post a flyer from St. Margaret Center that will ask for
donations volunteers and Amazon Wish List for toys on-line for their event. Your
generosity and assistance will be greatly appreciated by the families in our community.
• Approval to spend up to $800 to replace the back window in the local main hall.
• Approval to send up to 4 members from the legislative committee to the California
Conference of Machinists and California Federation of Labor from 12/03/2023 through
12/05/2023. Cost to include $188 plus tax per day for hotel accommodations, lost time,
per-diem and transportation from airport to hotel to airport.
• Approval to spend up to $2K for the Christmas party at our local lodge on December 05,
2023. The cost includes food, refreshments, decorations and other incidentals.

In Solidarity,
Joe Martinez


Updated: October 24, 2023 — 3:15 pm