United Negotiations Update


7 February 2023
United Negotiations Update
Dear Sisters and Brothers,
Last week, your IAM District 141 Negotiation Committee met to discuss United Airlines’ latest contract proposal.
Unfortunately, both the Company’s economic and job security proposals fell short of what IAM members expect and
This is especially true if we’re going to agree to a two-year contract extension, which would require approval by the
Your negotiating committee is working on a counter-proposal that will demand agreements that keep our members at the
top of the industry in terms of pay and job security for the foreseeable future.
We will meet with United management to present this proposal on February 16th.
IAM District 141 has made reasonable proposals, reflecting the priorities handed down by IAM members from the start of
the expedited negotiation process. Our proposals would attain and improve upon what already exists in other IAM
contracts throughout the airline industry. We want what’s fair and what IAM members deserve.
At the last IAM District 141 Committee Conference, I told the local committees and the District Executive Board that, if we
had to end the expedited negotiations process and enter into traditional negotiations, it would signal that United
management has no respect for us – and wants a fight.
It’s now 2023 and still no Tentative Agreement. My confidence in United management’s ability to show proper respect to
IAM Members and agree to a fair contract offer is almost exhausted. We are stuck in a sad repeat of the dark days of Jeff
Smisek, where IAM members were routinely disrespected and under-valued.
The current situation with United management and the lack of movement by this Company is cause for serious concern.
The past disrespect of IAM members must not be repeated. The only way to secure a fair contract is through unity and
support from all IAM members at United Airlines. We must stand together and fight for what we deserve.
I cannot emphasize this enough: We will not secure the contract we deserve without 100% solidarity and support from IAM
members at United Airlines.
In Solidarity,


Michael G. Klemm
President and Directing General Chair,
District 141, International Association of
Machinists and Aerospace Workers

Your Negotiating Committee
Olu Ajetomobi
Joe Bartz
Victor Hernandez
Barb Martin
Andrea’ Myers
Terry Stansbury
Faysal Silwany
Erik Stenberg
Sue Weisner

Updated: February 8, 2023 — 11:00 am