The November Business Meeting will be held on Tuesday 11/01/2022 at our Local Lodge at 4PM. Please arrive early so that we can begin the meeting on time.


Greetings Sisters and Brothers,
I hope you are all doing well and staying safe. The November Business Meeting will be held on Tuesday
11/01/2022 at our Local Lodge at 4PM. Please arrive early so that we can begin the meeting on time.
• Midterm elections will be held on November 08,2022. Please remember to vote in person or by
absentee ballot. We need for everyone to participate in this crucial election. Your Vote Matters!
• Approval to send Danny Trujillo to DL 141 safety conference from 12/12-16/2022. Cost to include
hotel accommodations at $129 plus tax per night plus a resort fee of $20 per night, lost time, per
diem, registration fee of $75 and transportation cost from airport to hotel to airport.
• Approval to spend up to $4.5K for 2023 pocket calendars.
• Approval to spend up to $5K for a Holiday celebration during on our business on December
06,2022. Additional information will be provided at our business meeting on 11/01/2022.
• Approval to conduct a shop steward training class for up to 4 members from AA. Cost to include
1 day of lost time and up to $100 for food. Date TBD.
• Approval to send Harriet Debaca to W-3 for organizing 1 training from 12/10/2022 thru
12/16/2022. Cost to include lost time and $20 at the start of her trip and $20 on her return.
• The local will be having a toy drive. Please donate an unwrap toy during the business meetings
on 11/01/2022 and 12/06/2022. Thank you for your support.
In Solidarity,
Joe Martinez
Joe Martinez
Recording Secretary
Local Lodge 1932


Updated: October 24, 2022 — 5:09 pm