IAM, United Negotiations Continue in Chicago.

29 April 2022
IAM, United Negotiations Continue in Chicago
Your IAM District 141 Negotiations Committee and United Airlines management representatives continued negotiations
this week for over 25,000 workers covered by seven different contracts.
Negotiations progressed nicely this week, as both parties worked diligently towards realizing our shared goal of
reaching acceptable tentative agreements by our self-imposed deadline of August 1, 2022.
United management committed to the Union that IAM members’ priorities will be addressed during our next session
the week on May 16th in a comprehensive fashion. The Union reiterated to the Company what is needed to successfully
conclude these expedited talks, which is industry-best agreements.
While we do not know how the Company will address IAM members’ stated priorities in its comprehensive proposal, we
are cautiously optimistic that the Company fully understands IAM members’ needs. Our expectation is that
understanding translates into Company proposals that further push this expedited process forward.
As was announced earlier this month, United expects its strongest second quarter revenue performance in company
history, and to be profitable for 2022. United CEO Scott Kirby said the following to investors:
“Our team continues to do an outstanding job of caring for our customers. The demand environment is the strongest it’s
been in my 30 years in the industry – and United and its customers will benefit more than any other airline. We’re now seeing
clear evidence that the second quarter will be an historic inflection point for our business. It leaves me more optimistic than
ever about United’s future.”
CEO Kirby’s statements are welcome news for every dedicated and hardworking United Airlines employee. However, I
would add that not only will United and its customers benefit more than any other airline due to the strongest demand
environment in Mr. Kirby’s 30 year career, but so will IAM-represented United employees.
You can rest assured that your negotiations committee will remind United management that we are the reason United is
in the position to return to profitability.
Negotiations will continue the week of May 16th.
In Solidarity,
Michael G. Klemm
President & Directing General Chairman
IAMAW, District 141

Your District 141 Negotiating Committee

Olu Ajetomobi
Joe Bartz
Victor Hernandez
Barb Martin
Andrea’ Myers
Terry Stansbury
Faysal Silwany
Erik Stenberg
Sue Weisne

Updated: April 30, 2022 — 6:21 pm