Effective on February 14, 2022. Local Lodge 1932 will begin to accept New local bylaw proposals.

Effective on February 14, 2022. Local Lodge 1932 will begin to accept New local bylaw
proposals. Please review the items listed below before you submit a new bylaw proposal.
• All proposals must be submitted in writing stating the proposals intent, signed by not
less than five (5) members. Please use only the standard form for Submitting new bylaw
proposals from our Local Lodge stationary. The standard form can be obtained by
contacting your local Grievance Committee or Executive Board Representative.
• All new bylaw proposal(s) must be submitted to the Recording Secretary by no later
than April 15, 2022. No exemptions.
• All members submitting and/ or endorsing a new bylaw proposal must be in good
standing with the union.
• All new bylaw proposals will be reviewed by our bylaw Committee before the first
reading on 05/03/2022.
• The first reading of new bylaw proposals will take place on 05/03/2022 during the
regular business meeting at the local lodge at 4pm. The second and final reading with a
vote will take place on 06/07/2022 during the regular business meeting at 4PM at our
local lodge.
In Solidarity,
Joe Martinez
Joe Martinez
Recording Secretary
Local Lodge 1932

Updated: February 13, 2022 — 8:43 pm