November Business Meeting will be on 11/02/2021 at our Local Lodge at 4PM.

Dear Sisters and Brothers,
I hope you are all doing well and staying safe. The November Business Meeting will be on
11/02/2021 at our Local Lodge at 4PM. Please arrive early so that we can begin the meeting on time.
• Approval to spend up to $2,000 for the upcoming election on 12/07/2021. Cost to include
ballots, stamps, election related supplies and business cards for EAP reps.
• Approval to spend up to $500 to order 500 Local Lodge 1932 inscribed pens, cost to include 500
pens, shipping and related expenses.
• Approval for 12 tellers for the upcoming election on 12/07/2021. Cost to include lost time for 12
tellers on 12/7/2021 and spend up to $300 for food and refreshments. Additional information
will be provided at the Business Meeting on 11/02/2021
• Approval to spend up to $25K for a Union/Holiday Celebration in recognition of our union sisters
and brothers of LL 1932. Cost to include, food and beverages, entertainment, venue, parking and
other incidentals. Additional information will be provided at the meeting.
• Approval to spend up to $300 for food and refreshments during Alaska Airlines shop steward
• The IAMAW 2022 Scholarship Competition is fully accessible from the website. For more
information Go to (
In Solidarity,
Joe Martinez
Recording Secretary
Local Lodge 1932


Updated: October 26, 2021 — 9:46 am